June 5, 2011

Lynn's Bowtie Salad

this recipe came from my friend Lynn. it makes enough to take to a summer BBQ.

12 oz of bowtie pasta
1/2 c sesame seeds
2/3 c salad oil (i like to use mostly olive with a bit of sesame, but you can use whatever you like)
2/3 c soy sauce
2/3 c white wine vinegar
6 Tbsp sugar (white or turbinado)
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
two bags of spinach (@ 15-20 oz, depending on how spinachy you like it)
two bunches green salad onions, sliced in rings

1.put water on to boil for pasta
2. in a medium frying pan heat half the oil and fry the sesame seeds until golden.
3. remove from heat and cool a minute. boil your pasta until al dente.
4. to the sesame seeds add the remaining oil, sugar, salt, pepper, vinegar, and soy sauce.
5. drain pasta and put in a tupperware container. pour the dressing over the pasta. let cool to room temp, shaking occasionally to coat pasta. put in the fridge and chill at least two hours, although i usually make it a day ahead.
6. just before serving, toss spinach and onion in.

also good in this salad is boiled, peeled edamame.

i just found this link (thanks, anne!)...these would be good and cute!! in the salad:

radish toadstool photo by red currant designs


  1. you made me a variation of this one day for lunch. i have been making it with cherry tomatoes added in like you did that day. one of my favorites! this reminds me, i've got an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink pasta salad recipe to add soon, a staple from the felder household.

  2. i miss monday our monday lunches! mmm yeah its good with cherry tomatoes, too.


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